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The Everyday Good 2022 Scholarship Recipients

We believe in Good.

Good Hearts.

Good deeds.

Good people.

And a good and wonderful God that we serve.

The Everyday Good was created out of a desire to serve others.

Simply put, we are everyday people, doing everyday good things within our community.

Collectively, we seek opportunities to not only do good, but to celebrate it as well.

And this year, we celebrate three wonderful, deserving seniors with the Wade and JoBeth Lawson Scholarship. Wade and Jo Beth Lawson loved their community, their family, and each other, but most of all, they loved helping other people.

It is a great JOY, in their honor, to present TEG's 2022 scholarships, in the amount of $2500 each, to remarkable individuals: Caroline Ball, Andrew Erwin, and Luke Atwood.

These student exude the personification of GOOD and we could not be more proud of their kind hearts and generous spirits. We pray God's richest blessings on their lives as they continue to lead, serve, encourage, and inspire others. Congratulations! Keep up the GOOD work!


2 comentários

18 de ago. de 2022

This tugged at me as I read it. All to often we get caught up in the whirl winds of our daily life. Moving from one task to another. We sometimes get snippy or upset even angry when things dont go our way. We judge people and we don't often enough think about others and what they perhaps may be going through. Always be humble and kind. Follow your heart.❤️.


14 de ago. de 2022

This touched my soul. Maybe I have missed my nudge on more than one occasion. But God has used me in so many ways 🙏 🙌

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